Halloween Still Life Drawing Salon

In a dark, dusty abandoned home, we will set up still lifes with objects both natural and unnatural, carefully curated from the Seafoam Palace vaults. Creepy vignettes designed by Seafoam Palace artists will be tucked in the corners of each room, glowing with candle light.
Bring your own drawing paper or sketchpads, pencils, charcoal or other supplies. Photographers are welcome but this is designed as a drawing event.
We can offer some direction and basic instruction of still-life and figure drawing fundamentals such as shape, shading and composition, but please note that this is an informal drawing session, not a class. No prior experience needed – everyone is welcome.
Our salon is hosted by artist Kim Couchot in Jefferson-Chalmers, Detroit. Please dress for the weather as this location has no heat, but Sunday promises to be relatively mild. Hot cider will be served.
This is a fee workshop but registration is required. Donations are accepted and all donations are used for the set up of this event.